
GREGOR2020 - Field And Office Support Institute Sigurnost

Project name


Project description

Core activities of this Institute Sigurnost are the provision of services in the area of:

·         Safety at work;

·         Fire protection;

·         Environmental protection;

Project Gregor 2020 aimed at fully digitalizing business process for these fields, through information system for office and field support integral IT system.

Office support system is a web application which covers entire business process of the entity:

·         Receiving request from client and its evaluation

·         Creation of offers based on approved requests.

·         Issue of work orders from engineers to fulfil tasks based on the accepted offer

·         Creation of documentation (Expert findings, reports, certificates, trainings, etc.) for each task after completion of the work order

·         Proforma invoice and invoice for completed documentation based on work order tasks

Said system also includes administration modules, such as:

Travel warrants, which include:

·         Creation of travel warrant

·         Sending created travel warrant to the employee

·         Accepting and printing travel warrant

·         Filling financial data upon return from the business trip

·         Sending travel warrant to the treasurer for approval of payment

Vacation, free and sick days, which include:

·         Creation of non-working day calendar available to all employees

·         Remaining vacation days for each employee

·         Creation of requests for vacation/sick/free days

·         Sending request to administration for approval

·         Approval or denial of received requests

Multiple complex reports, such as analytic and synthetic workers realization report.

System also includes live notifications for every event that currently logged in user should pay attention to.

Field support system is an Android application which aim is to assist and facilitate data entry for testing and measurement done in the field. The application is complex and depends on the task which is assigned to an engineer through a work order, and contains all the necessary measurements done by all the parameters required for said task. The data collected this way is stored on the device until it connects to the server to which it must be exported after returning from the field, in such way that the data can be used at the moment of automatic creation of the expert findings, reports or any other documents.